Tuesday, January 6, 2009

La Ceiba orphanage

We just left La Ceiba yesterday and we are now in Utila. A small island near Roatan. We had an amazing week hanging out with the kids. It was funny how some days we meant to just walk by on the beach and were drawn to stop in and each time we did we were greated with hugs and screams of joy from the kids. We usually grabbed a toy, wiped a nose fed a baby or caught a jumping 4 year old. It was just to fun to pass up. Colton and Mirandas prayers each day included thanks for being able to visit the kids. Colton usually spent his whole time with the kids on the floor holding a 1 year old or carrying Nelly around because thats what she liked was to be held. Miranda also says.Mom eveytime we go there Nelly wants me to carry her, and I like it. The best time for our kids this week was the time we spent at the orphanage with the kids. I will TRY to post some pictures asap. It has taken all my time on the internet so far checking emails and doing this post. So my time is up for now. Please continue to pray for safety for our family and also keep the orphanage in your prayers as they are in a transition from having regular help to having none. They are looking for some more permanent help for their home and its hard to find in Central America.

1 comment:

Candice said...

Hi Klippensteins,
Each morning when I wash my hair I am reminded to pray for you. :o) I find myself praying for your health a lot.
Good to see your updates, it sounds like you are in the right place at the right time.