Saturday, February 4, 2012

Peru bound

This will be the start of my blogging for our trip to Peru, south America. We leave in 5 days! Getting the last of our stuff organized so that we can focus on packing and finishing up our work week early.
Friends of ours are in Peru right now and put a picture on Facebook of some really interesting food. Makes me wonder what we may be eating for 3 weeks.

We hope to try to keep up with the blog as we travel. Trying to figure out a way to post pictures from my iPhone onto the blog. So far it is not working.



Karen L. Dyck said...

Is today the day? Bon voyage!

Kim said...

Hey Wendy did you bring your Apply Laptop and your I-phone along; if you did you should be able to use the I-cloud app and everytime you take a pic it should be on your computer automatically and then you should be able to import them into your blog.

Is this why all the pics that were in your blog before are now all gone?