Thursday, January 4, 2007


We arrived at the YWAM base and were very impressed with the whole facility. The people here are very friendly and are very surprised that we want to help. The girl that I had been talking to by e-mail before we came said to me (this morning as I was wheel barraling a load of compost to the back passture) I didn't know that you acually wanted to work. I said that that is what I had e-mailed that we did want to help. But she thought we didn't really mean phisical labour I guess. So anyway we spent the day working hard. I think they are not used to working at our speed because by 10:30 they were all tired. But after lunch we all started back at it. I decided I would treat them all to supper. So I went to town and bought the groceries for chili. Dean and I whipped up a batch for the whole base and I bought some ice cream because Dean needed some dessert. So we will eat a regular meal tonight, and I get to have a little fun in a different kitchen.
Miranda spent the afternoon with the kids who live near the camp. Colton found a few cool bugs (one was a preying mantis) and went exploring down a very cool dried up ravine that runs through the base.
The base is around 5 or 6 acres and is up in the mountains in the country. The perfect place to bring a group of people with kids. We feel very safe here as it is so quiet and peacefull. We don't have to have the kids right beside us the whole time and we can relax a bit. The camp can hold 30 people or so and they often have church retreats here. We found they really need a lot of help building a new kitchen facility and some more cabins to house people when they have retreats. Right now they set up temporary tents. So we are thinking this might be a perfect place to help out next year and maybe we can convince other families how great it would be to come and work for a week or so. I think a bunch of menonites could do some serious damage here in a week. It is also a great way to get better at Spanish. Everyone here speaks both Spanish and English.
We are sorry that we are not spending more time here. But we hope to come back next year.


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