We wanted it. We wanted it bad. We knew it might be tough. We knew it might be impossible. But if we found what we were looking for, we would be in heaven.
We started our quest driving out into the hills. I drove, while Dean searched. Every once in a while, I'd hear him say in an excited voice. Slow down! I think I see some! I would stop and we'd get out and search the roadside. Only 1 or 2 were to be found. So disappointing. We knew that we had to find them. We weren't going back till we had enough. Eventually, we came upon a better spot. Our bowl wasn't empty anymore. But this was not good enough. The search continued. Again and again we'd stop and take a look. Our bowl started to fill up. But still the search continued. One more stop, then two and three. The hours went by. But if we found the mother load. If only we found the spot we were looking for. We would leave happy. Then it happened! We found the perfect spot. Perfect, except for the most difficult of situations. What we were looking for was smack dab in the middle. In the middle of the most painful hard to reach spots. But it would be worth it!
So in we went. Every step we took more painful than the next. Why hasn't we worn jeans and runners. What were we thinking leaving on this quest so ill prepared? This was not gonna be pretty in the end. But still it was worth it. All the pain and agony was going to pay off. If only there was enough. But it looked good. If only we could push through the pain and just concentrate on the goal.
Which is what we did. Every inch forward was easier as our bowl became fuller. All that could be heard was the moaning and groaning and cheering.
Finally it was done! We could tare our bodies out and return to the car. Battered and bloodied but satisfied with the results. We didn't look to good. Our legs were dripping blood. Our arms were full of scratches and my hair was full of broken pieces of bush.
But we did it. Two bowls of juicy perfect wild.........
Guess what we picked!
Sounds like blackberries to me. Those things are worth the pain.
Ang D.
How about blackberries you know the kind we had on the farm the ones with all the thorns is
It was blackberries! Yes mom. Just like the ones on the farm. But the thorns were not only on the stems but also on the leaves. They were the thorniest plants I've ever seen! But the berries are so good. The jam is my favorite!
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